Think Like A Scientist
By Brandon Green
Independently Published
Published: November 13, 2023
ISBN: 9798864353240
Genre: Children’s Book
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a scientist?
Jack hadn’t, but after his father contracted COVID-19, he developed long COVID, which involved a variety of chronic health issues: mold toxicity, Lyme disease, Candida overgrowth, S.I.B.O, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Electromagnetic Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and light sensitivity.
His deteriorating health was something most doctors had never seen before and couldn’t understand. Jack’s father went on quite a rough journey that ended with him being sent to the psychiatric hospital. With the help of data, his father, and the opinions of experts that made the most sense to him, Jack applied critical thinking, thinking like a scientist, to save the day.
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About the Author
Brandon Green is an Australian Businessman who has succeeded as an entrepreneur. He enjoys writing books, and has written a few. He is currently the host of the Lets Go Brandon Green Podcast