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    Author Interview – Business / Self-Help – Scott McNair – A View From The Corner Office

    Scott McNair hails from the vibrant Philadelphia area. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from Messiah University in Grantham, Pennsylvania, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri. Scott commenced his professional journey in sales, steadily advancing through prestigious food industry companies, ultimately reaching the C-Suite. Throughout his career, he became proficient in revitalizing struggling companies grappling with cash flow and execution issues. He gained renown for his hands-on approach to business, consistently achieving outstanding results. Over the years, Scott has successfully acquired and divested numerous well-known household-name companies, all while maintaining an unquenchable drive for continuous improvement and an unwavering commitment to enjoying the ride. Today, he resides in the St. Louis area with his wife and their beloved Bloodhound companion.

    His new book A View From The Corner Office was released in November 2023.

    Author Q&A

    What inspired you to write your first book?

    I always felt there was not a real explanation about CEO’s. Since they lead companies, everyone expects that they are super human. I have just found that in a lot of cases they got lucky. Sure, there is a lot of hard work, but you also need that luck to get you to the next level. I noticed when teaching at the collegiate ranks, that the students had no real idea about what really goes on at the top levels, and they were like sponges soaking it in. Based on their interest, I thought others may find it interesting as well.

    How much of the book is realistic?

    This book is 100% authentic and real. The stories are all true, and no liberties were taken to make them any better/worse. Life is funny sometimes, and I was just sharing some of those fun moments. I am not sure I could truly write a fiction book as I do not know if I am creative enough or that it would be better than real life anyway.

    Do you see writing as a career?

    Not at all. When I told my 92-year-old mother I completed a book, she wanted me to send it to my High School English teacher who was ready to flunk me my senior year. I like to try things that are outside of my comfort zone. I am always up for trying to push myself in one way or another. This was one of those times. I did enjoy writing this book, and maybe if anyone else thinks it is any good, I do have some other ideas but doubt this would lead to a career for myself. Maybe more of a hobby. Again, though it really is up to the consumer. I like writing about things I know and his 100% honesty of what I think about it. There is a good chance I am the only one who may care. If not, then maybe I have a couple other ideas for the future.

    What was the hardest part of writing your book?

    I am NOT a writer. I am a business person. So the entire writing was out of my comfort zone to say the least. I think I found it easy enough to write a paragraph or 2 but to fill a chapter took many attempts. My job creates my to be quick. Not a lot of extra “words” to accomplish a task. That extension of my explanation was very difficult but needed. Otherwise, the book would have been around 4 pages.

    Do you have any advice for other writers?

    My advice would be beyond writers, but would certainly pertain to them as well. That advice is to take chances. Try new things, and learn from them. I have certainly had my share of failures – even wen writing this book, but I continually learn and get better. I like the stimulation that new adventures create, and when I am on my deathbed, I don’t want to wish I did this or that. I want to know I did my best to live life to the fullest from big things to small things. Take chances would be my advice!

    How do you relax?

    This sounds bad, but the answer is work. It may not be business, but it needs to be work in some fashion. May be yard work, or fixing something around the house. I have a pretty good wood working shop where I make things for family, but I always have to be doing something. It is very hard for me to relax and just sit in the sun. I wish I could do that, but I have never found that relaxing. I relax when I am doing something productive.

    What is your favorite movie and why?

    I mentioned this in my book, but without a doubt it was “We were Soldiers” with Mel Gibson. The storyline in the first place was excellent, but what I really enjoy about the movie is the management and leadership principles it shows. The same focus that Hal Moore had in the movie is the same a good executive should have. Planning, supporting, leading and caring. If you watch the movie with that in the back of your mind, it may be one of the best leadership training courses you can take

    If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?

    I really like Vietnam a lot. Especially the southern part of the country. The people are exceptional, friendly and helpful. The cuisine is great, and while there are certainly robust cities in the south, something about the area helps me relax. The tropical environment, the ease of getting around, the culture with some French influence makes it one of my favorite places to visit.

    Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?

    I really love audiobooks for the simple reason is that I can then be productive when driving. If I am going to take a long trip in the car, I will always download a few books to listen to. Typically I like biographies, but an occasional good fictional story is entertaining as well. I also always have a lot of business books to help keep me sharp in finance, sales or leadership.

    How do you think being a writer has helped you as a person?

    It stretched me to learn more. How to write a book, how to get it published. How to market it. All this is new and exciting at the same time. Writing helps you get your ideas in order. This was most seen when I was building curriculum for teaching in an MBA program at a major university. I knew what to do, but never really put it down in writing. Doing this helps you understand your thoughts and see patterns that exist that otherwise you may not have seen. It has been invaluable for me in growing personally as well as professionally.

    A View From The Corner Office is available for purchase on Amazon.

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