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    Author Interview – Brandon Green – Children’s Book – Think Like A Scientist

    Brandon Green is an accomplished Australian businessman, celebrated for his entrepreneurial prowess. Beyond his success in the business world, Brandon has a passion for writing and has authored several books that showcase his diverse interests and expertise. As a testament to his multifaceted talents, he currently serves as the charismatic host of the “Lets Go Brandon Green Podcast” (, where he engages with a global audience, sharing insights, and fostering meaningful conversations on a wide range of topics. Brandon’s unique blend of business acumen and creative expression has made him a noteworthy figure in both the corporate and literary realms, captivating audiences with his dynamic presence and thought-provoking discussions.

    Author Q&A

    How did you come up with the title?

    The title came easy to me, as David Pakman announced he was working on a book titled ‘Think Like a Scientist’, I thought what a great name and how much I’d love to write a book titled that. Then I started thinking about my recent experience of suffering Long Covid, it easily came to my mind that I could write a very good and informative book with the same title.

    Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

    Yes, I just want readers to know that if they can’t get ahold of something immediately, slow down, and it may come later. Critical thinking is something that does require a bit of patience, and fact gathering, but it’s rarely beneficial (and can be quite devastating) to jump to conclusions.

    How much of the book is realistic?

    The best part about my book is it’s based off a true story, my story about fighting Long Covid and the incredible gaslighting I experienced! There are so many people in the world battling invisible chronic illnesses right now. The book is 90% accurate, just with the twist to adapt it into a children’s book.

    Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

    The book is entirely based on what happened to me after I contracted a nasty virus in March 2020.

    What are your current projects?

    Getting Season 3 of my podcast, “Lets go Brandon Green” launched. It’s been really successful and a pleasure to have started during the pandemic.

    Do you see writing as a career?

    No I don’t see it as a career, but as something fun. If I feel like a book should be written about something, I will gladly do that as a hobby.

    What was the hardest part of writing your book?

    Getting it all to fit the model of a story book. Once I dug up the old template I had, It came together pretty easily over a couple of hours.

    Do you have any advice for other writers?

    Write. Just write. Don’t plan too much if it is all new to you, who knows what a pad, pen and your mind will do!

    Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

    If you are also dealing with a chronic illness, just hang in there. It does get better!

    What genre do you consider your book?

    Not sure. It’s written as a childrens book, but it’s more so a tongue-in-cheek response to a real adults problem.

    Do you ever experience writer’s block?

    Yes. If I do I’ll do something like go and meditate, do acupuncture on myself, or have some B vitamins with some other supplements, or tea to get the creative juices flowing. After intervening in such a way, I find that usually gets me going again.

    Do you write an outline before every book you write?

    Yes. A general mind map, or list of key phrases, subjects and information I want to cover. Set all that out, then I just knuckle down and go for it!

    Have you ever hated something you wrote?

    Not for long, who’s got time to be bothered about something so petty? Not me.

    If you have pictures on your writing desk, who/what are they of?

    My child, Jack. He’s a 3 year old toddler.

    Think Like A Scientist is available for purchase on Amazon.

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