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    Author Interview – A.L. Whyte – Horror Novel – In the Shadows of Obsession

    A.L. Whyte, hailing from Jamaican immigrant roots, emerges as a formidable talent in the realm of horror literature, renowned for her macabre and twisted creativity. With a seamless blend of suspense, terror, and psychological horror, Whyte’s narratives plunge deep into the abyss of human fear, unveiling the darkest recesses of the human psyche. Her writing style, marked by atmospheric descriptions, haunting storytelling, and unforeseen plot twists, ensnares readers right from the opening sentence. Drawing inspiration from both classic horror literature and contemporary genre luminaries, Whyte infuses her work with a unique brand of terror, often exploring themes of isolation, paranoia, and the enigmatic, leaving behind an eerie sense of disquiet that lingers long after the final page. Her debut book, “In the Shadows of Obsession,” sent shivers down the spines of readers and critics alike, establishing her as an undeniable rising star in the horror genre. As she continues to etch her name into the annals of horror literature, readers can anticipate being riveted, horrified, and spellbound by her unparalleled storytelling prowess and her unapologetic exploration of the darkest aspects of human existence within her chilling tales.

    Author Q&A

    What inspired you to write your first book?

    My inspiration actually came from my late sister Barbra. She inspired me as a kid to read and love the art of storytelling. When I read I want to be transferred into another world and I hope with my short stories I will be able to do that for my readers.

    Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

    My first book I wanted to touch on untreated mental health issues. I personally deal with depression and for the longest I would act as though I didn’t need help. But over time as a left my depression untreated it became hard to manage. Terrance even though he lives a “ normal” he ignores his mental health issues to the point of no return.

    If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

    I am a fan the legendary Tony Morrison.

    What book are you reading now?

    CRESCENDO: WELCOME HOME, DEATH AWAITs by L. MARIE WOOD. Just started getting into it and so far love it.

    What are your current projects?

    So of course my first book “in the shadows of obsession” and I also have another short horror read coming out called “Body Snatcher”. I’m usually write a lot of horror. But I also dabble in making adult cooling books. I just finished publishing a Christmas coloring book for adults lol.

    Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

    I will surprisingly say my co-workers. They were the first to buy my book and encourage me.

    Do you see writing as a career?

    That would be a dream lol. But honestly I can see it as something I do part-time. The reason for that is I’m also a trauma nurse and I would want to still do both because I love doing both.

    Who designed the covers?

    I actually have designed my covers except for the second book. I had that designed by another person.

    Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

    So what I noticed especially as a black horror/crime writer is when I was trying to publish my book and was looking at the African American genra it mostly focused on history like civil rights or erotica. Same if I told someone in a writer, they automatically assume I write like Zane, not her wrong with Zane I loved her but I did feel the publication companies try to place you In a box.

    What genre do you consider your book(s)?

    I love writing horror, and or fictional crime.

    In the Shadows of Obsession is available for purchase online at various retailers.


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